How Often Do You Wash Your Makeup Brushes?
Let’s face it, whilst makeup brushes help to enhance our beauty, they’re the perfect environment for germs and bacteria to breed which, if left, can quickly start to cause problems. It might seem like a daunting task but cleaning your makeup brushes doesn’t need to be a chore. Here are our top tips to get it done quickly:
Is Your Skin Dry or Dehydrated?
Did you know that the appearance of your skin can be deceiving? Whilst you might have given your skin a label be it dry, oily or combination, that might not be the case. Some skin types are dry. Others are simply lacking a little moisture. Here’s our guide to identifying whether you have dry or dehydrated skin and how to combat it.
Which Lipstick is Right for Your Skin Tone?
Finding out which lipstick shades work with your skin tone will make your beauty routine SO much easier! First things first, you need to know your skin undertone and if you don’t know what it is already, it’s super easy to find out.